In the not to far past, taking to market new inventions was safer and the monopolies were not as much in control of global markets, so more Inventors were able to contact and get attention by major corporations supporting new innovations, products and services and resulting in healthy economic growth in harmony with the original patent concept and mandate, you can see here, in a copy of the original Patent Mandate known as the “Venetian Patent Statute” in 1474.

But in our time, 1983 – 2024 this original mandate has lost place in the economic development realm and is mostly of value in the sizzling industries of electronic communications and health, while its worth is still of value in all other industries as before, but the terms of bringing to market new products and services had changed to the easy way for monopolies to grow and direct the markets and not the quality and wider spectrum of ingenuity plus diversity of the discoveries and innovations — so the quality or brilliance of innovation is not the factor that the consumer gets, leading to cheaper less reliable low quality and continuous upgrade and replacement factors which puts more profit in the sales volumes of larger stronger corporations. This is not good for Governments or consumers. This is not good or wise as well and leads to a narrower market which pushes consumers in wrong ways. One good example, is the Electric Car. The invention of the electric car is older then 100 years, and its newer version is already showing its limitations which a wise consumer can see for her/himself. The same is for Injected Air under the hulls of ships, which has been invented and is not coming up as new, with the limitations that a real new invention does not have while it is more advanced and beneficial for the shipping industry — and the reason you do not see it, is that the inventor is WISE and has not entered the hostile markets created under the Global Patent system for creative inventors, and the ways Monopolies had become greedy and lazy plus disrespectful for real advanced superior inventions.
Intellectual prostitution is harmful for wise inventors, as it is for any good mother of invention searching for a good father for the brainchild.
Because the wisdom of pre-patent—pre-partnering is not known to the public, the public can not yet pressure the political leaders to have Governments respect the wisdom of the original merchants of Venice Italy regarding the establishment of a patent system so the fathers of invention and we all know who is the mother of the invention. I have created this website so to let the public have a look at the problem of real disservice to the growth of the economy which can develop in many more directions as the public/consumer chooses and not be narrowed into the hands of greedy monopolies escaping taxation. The system we know as FREE ENTERPRISE is not letting/enabling many small merchants enter the markets which are in the hands of STRONG ENTERPRISE.

I have not activated discussions forums in this website, which are found at the other websites, so I am adding a contact form for individual contacts with valued input or questions.